Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Be Smart When Grocery Shopping


from the article "Frugal Grocery Shopping For the Smart Shopper"

Remember how you need to start with a Grocery Shopping List? Now, it's time to do the actual shopping...

How to be a smart frugal grocery shopper

Many people don’t realise this, but supermarkets spend thousands of pounds every year on cunning little marketing ploys to make you spend more money than you intended.

They employ teams of people to analyse shop layout and consumer shopping habits to make sure that they place their items in their store just in the right place to tempt you.

However if you know and are aware of these ploys then you are more likely to recognise them and not fall headlong into them. Common tricks are:

    * Moving Isles -Moving items to different places in the store, so that you have to go hunting down isles that you would not normally venture into and so exposing you to more of their products. Keep your head down and only focus on the items you came into buy.

    * The long walk - Commonly purchased items such as milk, bread and eggs are normally placed along the edges of a store, often at the back of the store.

      Again forcing you to walk past lots of tempting goodies. If all you want to buy is a loaf of bread then keep to the edge of the store and avoid walking through centre isles.

      * Check those lower shelves - Shops will often put their most expensive items or their own brand on the shelves at eye level. This is because a lot of shoppers just take the first item they see on the shelves. Lets use baked beans as an example, you will often find the leading brand name right in the middle of the shelf, it’s a brand you know and hey, you need some beans, so why not.

      But check out the lower or upper shelves first. If you are on a frugal grocery mission, here is where you will find beans at a much cheaper price or that have special offers on them. The difference in price can be far greater than the slight taste difference in the product; brand name is not always the best.

    * Advertising – Beware of advertising hype. Shops and brands will bombard you with advertisements promising you all sorts of enticements, i.e. we are the best, this will make you stronger, and this will make your hair shinier. Be aware that this is advertising and their main aim is to get you to buy their product instead of someone else’s.

      Don’t be fooled by this hype, many products are even made by the same manufacturer and sold as different brands. Remember buy what you need and not what the advertisers tell you that you need.


i had almost 4 years of hypermarket experience and we never looked at it that way - i mean designing store layout to trick customers into buying.  store layout is about product visibility and shopping convenience. anyway, grocery trips should be well-planned.  When you're in a rush, you tend to just grab the first thing that you see.  If you want to save, you want to be able to compare prices.  I've seen shoppers with calculators while shopping. Not a bad idea.

Thursday, February 17, 2011



from the article "Frugal Grocery Shopping For the Smart Shopper"

Frugal grocery shopping lists

Making out a list before you go shopping will not only save you time, but it will also help to keep you focused and not get side tracked by tempting offers. However this will only work if you keep strictly to your list and not go shelf browsing.

Tips for writing out your frugal grocery shopping List:

    * Decide in advance your next week’s meals and note down the ingredients required.

    * Check your cupboards to see what ingredients you do not have or need to re-stock.

    * Check your staple items such as bread, milk, cleaning products and personal care items.

    * Once you have made your list keep it available for next week, it will come in very handy as reminder of items that you regularly need. I sometimes forget to buy some the basic items if I don’t have a list, I suppose it’s because they are a bit boring I guess.


i never prepare a grocery list. i like browsing the grocery shelves. naturally, i always overspend.  worse, i waste a lot of the things that i bought since overspending usually means over stocking.

but before you prepare your grocery list, you should start with a meal plan for the week? how will you know what to buy if you don't have meals planned?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Stay simple, stay steady, stay in motion

Selena DeLeon Certified Personal Trainer
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The advent of a new year brings for me a need to clear out old things, simplify life and get clean. As I am clearing out the old junk in my house, it occurs to me that simplicity is the pathway to clarity. The pounds that are stored as excess are nothing but that - excess. We look at our bodies and feel bad about ourselves because we associate the extra pounds with our failures, our weaknesses and defeat. Excess calories that have been stored for future use are stored as fat. The more meaning that we put to things is the more complicated the world becomes.

Simplify To Clarify

If you have stored calories that you need to expend, then the best way to "trash" them is to turn them into energy. Think about your body like your house; converting calories into energy through your choice of movement regularly will decrease the amount in storage, and throw all the unnecessary clutter away forever. But as we all know, your house is never totally clean. You have to constantly clean your house to keep it clean. The minute you stop, it starts to get cluttered and dirty again.

Simplify your diet and get your body clean. You know that if you eat pork sausages you will have to hold on to them for a long time before your body can empty them, and your house will be a mess for that much longer. We have to stay on top of our diet as if it were our house in order to avoid the build-up of calories. Be selective about 'junk' that you put into your house, and honour it as your temple.

Clean Up Your Diet

Every week create a single goal for your diet. This week I am eliminating nuts from my diet. Next week, no chocolate, and so on. Each week you can clean up your diet, one food item at a time. For some people embarking on a new lifestyle can be daunting, and taking baby steps can also work as an approach to a new commitment.

Simpler cooking methods like steaming or grilling with fewer additives are the best ways to a healthy diet. Fresh, simple herbs like rosemary and garlic are great to flavour a meal. Simple foods such as potatoes rank much higher on the energy return scale than rice or bread.

Simplify Digestion

The simpler the food, the less energy your body expends to break it down. Have you ever noticed that after eating a heavy meal you feel tired? It is because your body is using up all of your energy to digest the food. The energy that you save on digesting your food is energy that can be used instead to burn up excess calories. The 'Fit for Life' diet created by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond is still one of my favourite diets to recommend to people who are trying to lose weight. Their method of combining certain foods to simplify digestion makes sense.

Food Is Fuel

Some persons respond better to a set menu, because that simplifies their food choices. Food is fuel; it is scientific. Energy that goes in is either energy spent or energy in the bank. If you take choices away, then you are not subject to emotional pitfalls. You remove bad food from your kitchen and you are no longer a victim of temptation; shorten your supermarket list, save time on preparing foods... in short, simplify.

Clarify Your Exercise

Clean and solid would be two good buzz words to describe how you could interpret your exercise schedule. Make a commitment to exercising on set days and at set times, and stick to it. You may encounter yourself as lethargic or overtired on those days, but if you give yourself permission to quit, it breaks the momentum.

It is a myth that the more you do exercise, the easier it gets. Exercising never gets easier, but your mind and your body do become accustomed to it. Stopping and starting interrupts this cycle, so don't get sucked into the pitfall of letting your excuses get in the way. Putting your body in motion stimulates connections within your body and your mind, and this is happening whether you are running at your fullest potential or at 40 per cent of it, so what is important is that the process continues. Even if you have pain, there is always the minimum that you can do so that your mind is registering that it is being turned on to exercise.

Simplify your ideals towards your performance. A simpler approach to exercise can free you from the pressure of performing. In most workouts it is necessary to perform and challenge, but not every time. A healthy balance to a 'fit lifestyle' can only exist if you know how to give to your body and take from it. Slow down the workout if you are feeling slow one day, make a regular breathing pattern your only goal, and visualise what you want to get out of exercising in that moment.

Getting clear on your relationship with your body can free you from frustration and guilt. The key to this clarity is to simplify a style of living that can sometimes become complicated and messy. Throw away old ideas about your body; those battles have not served you in the past and are now gone. Wherever you feel confronted by your energy or your health, take it down to its core, take a deep breath and know that it is all pure, simple and good.


there's really nothing new in this article, is there?  and it's quite clear what the author is suggesting. it's not about diets. it's about lifestyle - a simple lifesttyle that is committed to being fit for life.

sometimes i don't feel like reading these articles (on weight management)anymore.  but if i don't, then i won't be remindedof how important it is.  so,i keep on looking for these articles as a way of "nagging" myself.  i have so many pounds and inches to lose.  and it's not just about vanity.

you might want to check on these sites:

Monday, February 14, 2011



From the Article "Frugal Heating Tips And Energy Saving Ideas"

Electricity - These days everything seems to need to be plugged in, I personally try to stay away from unnecessary electrical equipment like digital clocks and fake flame effect fires. Here is some of the best frugal heating tips and other electrical reducing ideas I have come across and use every day in my own home.

    * Only boil enough water in the kettle that is required.

    * Use energy saving light bulbs wherever possible, they are even available as day light bulbs that I find a much brighter light.

    * Turn off electrical equipment when not in use and do not leave them on their standby function.

    * Turn lights off when the room is empty

    * Clean behind refrigerators regularly to keep the cooling elements clear of dust. This makes them far more efficient.

Check out this great ebook about how you can save money on your fuel bills by generating your your own power, I believe the ebook also comes with a FREE book about biodegradable fule for your car too. Could be worth a look. Click Here!


what about charging in the car?  while the car is in motion, of course.  i don't know if it has any effect on the car batteries?

Friday, February 11, 2011


REDUCE WATER consumption
from Frugal Heating Tips And Energy Saving Ideas

Water -

Many homes are now being fitted with water meters that may mean that if they do not reduce the way they use water they could be paying a lot more.

In deed the whole reason water meters are being fitted is to make people more aware of just how much water they are using and encourage them to change their ways and use water in a more frugal way.

A few ideas to reduce water usage are:

    * Fix leaking taps as soon as possible

    * Reduce the flush in your toilets by placing a plastic bottle filled with water or sand into the tank. It is also possible to buy toilets that come with the facility to use a short and long flush as required.

    * Have showers instead of baths and reduce the length of time in the shower everyday.

    * Turn water taps off when shaving or brushing teeth.


if you every had the misfortune of living in an area where water is gold (that has to be mined!), you would be more careful about your water consumption.  i don't have a problem turning off water while brushing my teeth.  but i waste a lot of water in the shower.i just love hot showers. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


from Frugal Heating Tips And Energy Saving Ideas

The Laundry - Washing machines are one of the most expensive items to run, especially if you have a large family and need to do large quantities of washing every week. However, by using the machine wisely and in a more frugal way you can reduce the costs quite considerably:

    * Always wash a full load if possible.

    * Choose the half load option on the machine when washing a small amount of washing.

    * Turn down the temperature of the wash. Washing at 30 degrees rather than 40 will still wash your clothes and will mean that less energy is required to heat the water.


never thought about this saving tips. i should check on the 'half load option'.  i don't even know if the washing machine has temperature settings.
Save Electiricy when Buying New Equipment
From: Frugal Heating Tips And Energy Saving Ideas

Whilst finding frugal heating tips around my house to help me save on those horrible utility bills, I came across other energy saving ideas which over time would also help to reduce my expenditure.

I was amazed at just how many little ways there were to make the home more economical.

Here are my frugal heating tips and other energy saving suggestions to help reduce that awful feeling of dread every time you have to open your latest utility bill.

New Equipment - When buying new household items such as washing machines, refrigerators and cookers always make sure that you buy energy efficient one. Usually they are graded A - E depending on how much energy they use, with A being the most efficient.

They may cost a little more to buy initially than the less efficient ones but considering how long you will be using the equipment just imagine how much your savings could be over time.


watch out for next posts on the following:

-The Laundry





Tuesday, February 8, 2011


What Is Frugality And
How Can A Thrifty Lifestyle Benefit Us?

Frugality is an old fashioned word, which is gaining new relevance in today’s over consuming society.

The old fashion meaning of the word meant to abstain or go without, but today it means living a simpler less wasteful life within our personal finances.

Personally speaking a frugal simple living has been a way of life for my partner and me for the last ten years, due mainly to the fact that our incomes just wouldn’t cover everything we needed if we wanted to own our own home.

Plus we also wanted to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle and the two practices just seemed to go together so well.

By making conscious decisions about how we spent our money and what we were buying we discovered that we were naturally producing less waste i.e. packaging etc.

Frugality does not mean going without

Many of our friends laughed when we started to lead a frugal lifestyle. They were happy to spend their money without thinking about the future and thought that we should stop worrying so much and do the same.

We think they thought that we were not enjoying life as much as them selves and didn’t want to see us go without.

But we weren’t going without and when interest rates started to creep up and our friends started to feel the pinch, they began to see what we were doing made some sense.

Soon they began asking our advice on how to live a more simple lifestyle as well.

So what is a thrifty lifestyle?

Basically it means thinking and planning ahead in all areas of your life where money plays a part. So pretty much everything really, but the main ones are:

    * Grocery shopping
    * General shopping
    * Using gas and electricity
    * Telephones
    * Holidays
    * Gifts
    * Special occasions
    * Household expenses

By simply sitting down and working out a simple budget for yourself, you can save yourself from those nasty bank statement surprises.

It also means living simpler. For instance, I like a glass of wine, now of course I would like to drink the most expensive wine all the time, but that is just not reasonable. So I shop around for those special deals and discounts and only buy wine within a certain price bracket.

That way I can enjoy great wine and not break the bank. When you apply this principle to everything you buy, you’ll soon find yourself still enjoying a good lifestyle but within your budget.

For me being frugal is something i now do daily without much effort and without really having to think about it too much, it really can become second nature.

De-clutter your life

Have you ever noticed how advertisements on the TV, in magazines and catalogues are always showing us pictures of spacious open plan living with no clutter and everything looking so fresh and light?

This is because this is the image many people have in their minds about how they would like to live, but how many of us actually do live in these wonderfully simple surroundings?

If you are anything like me you will notice just how much more stressful situations are when everything is crowded or in a mess around you. I just can’t get my head together unless I have space to breath.

Being frugal has helped me to create this space and de-clutter my life.

I recently had to help my family move house and boy was it an eye opener for all of us. We really had no idea just how much STUFF they had accumulated over the years and just how much of it was totally useless or hadn’t seem the light of day for years.

We ended up throwing most of it away, what a waste of money and resources. We all kept thinking what they could have done with all that money if they had just thought twice about what they were buying.

My first rule of being frugal has always been to get organised and to de-clutter our home. That way I can value the things I have, I live in a lovely spacious environment and I always know what I need.

Try it yourself, even if it is only one room at first. Sort everything out and think to yourself, do I really need this? I bet you’ll be surprised just how much you end up giving to the charity shop and how you’ll find your new de-cluttered room a relaxing space. You’ll soon be doing the rest of the house.

A little note for those of you who have children:

I bet you’re thinking, “how on earth am I supposed to de-clutter my home with kids around”? I never said it would be easy but it is do-able, the secret is to get the whole family on board with the new plan.

It will be far easier when everyone is pulling in the same direction and everyone will benefit in the long run. Getting the kids to understand why you are living frugally and how budgeting your money is important it will be far easier to achieve as a whole family.


decluttering is hard to do alone. especially in a house you are sharing with others.  but you can always declutter whatever space you have for yourself be it your room, your closet or even your desk.

now, frugal living is something that i am finding to be very challenging but very liberating. give it a chance. frugality won't fail you.
